It’s a COVID world out there

Hello everyone, how are you? Are you still social distancing? I hope so! We are in the 9th month of the year and it seems like it’s Groundhog Day! Let’s see the positive and the light.

I was making my bi-weekly shopping and I noticed an awesome head wrap with a matching mask! It was love at first sight. The patterns were amazing and the price was just right. So right I brought all the styles. I found them to represent me and I don’t have to speak. I am remaining safe yet fashionable, what about you?

However you get it, stay safe, stay smart and stay sane! We will get through this! Until next time, fashion outside the box!

How to do bangle?

I love a great accessory, I mean, who doesn’t! You feel so complete when you add them. I have tons of sunnies and earrings, however I was missing one thing: bangle bracelets! How dare I not? Lol. Well, I am in love. It adds to your arm and gives the goddess look!The awesome part is you can mix metals. If you are looking for some take a look at @ royal jewelry and accessories on Facebook! You will be very pleased.

Self care, how do you do?

With all that’s going on self care is important. It’s taking time out for yourself and enjoy literally the small things in life. When is the last time you did something to make you smile? That’s why self care is important. Take time out even if it’s a minute to practice self care! Yourself with thank you! Until next time, fashion outside the box and stay safe and sane!

The new normal

Hey guys, I missed you all! How is everyone doing? My heart goes out to everyone! I am not sure of your situation, just know I am praying for you! For fun, what’s your new look? Here is mine!

Welcome February!

January is finally over! Welcome February! It’s time to kick your somewhat winter style into last gear, also remember prominent African American History! Do your research and you will be amazed! Black history is more than a month, it’s daily! Enjoy the month!

A cup of T

Have you ever found a graphic t that makes your creativity juices flow? There is nothing like a graphic T-shirt. I am embracing the graphic T as part of my signature.

The graphic T is a staple garment that can transition from casual to professional all with the addition of a blazer or even pearls.

I am so excited to style the two new graphic T’s plus the others. Stay tuned for pics! Will this style be your new cup of T?

Until next time, fashion outside the box!